Delve deeper into the whimsical world of Powers in the Basement with this Limited Edition Extended Soundtrack, because why stop the fun when the game's over?
It's not just about the loops that serve as the backdrop to Will's adventures. These extended and specifically arranged tracks are an ISA bus...
Delve deeper into the whimsical world of Powers in the Basement with this Limited Edition Extended Soundtrack, because why stop the fun when the game's over?
It's not just about the loops that serve as the backdrop to Will's adventures. These extended and specifically arranged tracks are an ISA bus-powered time machine that takes you back to a world where medieval fairy tales and nerdy pop culture cozy up like old friends at a Game Con.
Besides the MT-32 flavored background pieces that you can enjoy while playing, this package provides two selected Sound Blaster Pro renditions and – for those of you who are missing the DOS era – the PC-Speaker version of the main theme.
But even more significant is that by buying the soundtrack, you will support our small team, allowing us to make more games.
So, whether you enjoyed our free game or you're just seeking an immersion in the nostalgia of yesteryears, and you feel generous, please consider helping us pixelate more magic.
[03:34] Down in the Dark
[04:02] Getting Ready to Go
[04:06] 'round da House
[04:14] Lazy Day
[03:44] Holding Out for a T-Shirt
[04:02] Getting Ready to Go – SoundBlaster Pro 2 Rendition
[03:44] Holding Out for a T-Shirt – Gravis Ultrasound Rendition
[02:51] Down in the Dark – PC Speaker Rendition
[03:34] Down in the Dark – AdLib – SoundBlaster Rendition
[03:34] Down in the Dark – SoundBlaster Pro 2 Rendition
[03:34] Down in the Dark – Gravis Ultrasound Rendition
All tracks written and arranged by Paolo “StickGrinder” Pustorino – Illiterate Code Games
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