Just as you were claiming your first title, another hero of the Stolen Lands became a baron too: Maegar Varn, captain of the Varnling Host mercenary band and rightful ruler of Varnhold (this guy sure likes the sound of his name!). If you've played the main campaign, you already know what happened to him next... Or do you? In this DLC, you join Varn as his general, and experience Varnhold's valorous history firsthand — the whole of it, not just the outcome!
- Play a self-contained side story. Create a new character and spend 6-12 hours fighting for the future of Varnhold while your main campaign's hero establishes their barony in the Shrike Hills.
- Experience the adventure from a companion's point of view. Maegar Varn might be your liege — but what worth is a ruler without advisors, and what can a lord achieve without his host? Lead your commander to victory in combat and to prosperity in peace — and, perhaps, you'll see those who followed you in your main campaign with new eyes!
- Explore a huge new dungeon. What secrets lie in the forbidden depths, guarded by centaurs of the Nomen tribe? What monsters lurk there, and what treasures glimmer in the dark? Open the ancient doors, and fight your way through Lostlarn Keep!
- Enjoy 18 new class features for the Fighter, Magus, Alchemist and Rogue. Perfect your builds and try out new tactics. Improve your dual-wielding, critical hits and saving throws, empower your spells and potions - or give your Rogue a familiar and your Alchemist wings!
- Spark a new love. Varn is your commander, an old friend and a trusted ally... But could he mean something more to you? Play as a heroine to find out!
- Import your legacy into the main campaign! After you finish the DLC, a new event will unlock in the main story: Maegar Varn will invite you to visit the dungeon once again — to witness the consequences of your decisions... and, while you're there, to pick up the loot that was left behind!
Discover the untold stories of the Stolen Lands' denizens and conquerors in our new DLC — "Varnhold's Lot"!
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