The necromancer simulator is back. Assemble your undead from different body parts, combining the abilities of various fantasy races. Upgrade your tower and give it a unique look. Fight your way through hordes of enemies in a procedurally generated world and take titans under control.
Undead wi...
The necromancer simulator is back. Assemble your undead from different body parts, combining the abilities of various fantasy races. Upgrade your tower and give it a unique look. Fight your way through hordes of enemies in a procedurally generated world and take titans under control.
Undead with Superpowers
Assemble your undead from the body parts of various fantasy races, unlocking countless combinations of attacks and skills. Give them the ability to overcome obstacles, whether it be towering mountains, full-flowing rivers or lakes of red-hot lava.
Unique Necromancer Tower
Upgrade the tower with various add-ons and give it a unique look. Build necro labs for growing body parts and technomagic devices that will give you powerful spells and enhance your undead warriors.
Fully Procedurally Generated World
Explore dozens of biomes in a procedurally generated world and view the conquered territories on the map. Use suitable body parts when creating the undead, so that they can handle the high mountains, squelchy swamps and dense forests.
Attack of Titans
This time you'll have to face new monsters of gigantic size that can easily destroy your tower. But you also have the chance to create titans and fight back.
Popular achievements
My Rite of Passage
Survive for half an hour in a single run
Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?
Get the Cat Bed (again)
The Base Violence Necessary for Change
Get the Meteor Repeater
Something Unforgivable
Get the Statue of Majesty
Glorious Purpose
Get 3 tower upgrades in a single run
Church in Ruins
Get 15 tower upgrades in a single run
A Son for a Son
Tear down 10 enemy lairs
Just Not All At The Same Time
Tear down 50 enemy lairs
We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here
Capture 15 resource generators
System requirements
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Recommended system requirements:
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