Take Control of Kyle in this Text-Based Adventure . . .
. . . Make decisions for Kyle that will affect every part of his day. Take Kyle's hand through unique endings, each determined by what Kyle has done and who he has interacted with. He needs you. Be kind.
Kyle has 117 endings...
Take Control of Kyle in this Text-Based Adventure . . .
. . . Make decisions for Kyle that will affect every part of his day. Take Kyle's hand through unique endings, each determined by what Kyle has done and who he has interacted with. He needs you. Be kind.
Kyle has 117 endings . . .
. . . but only one of them is the good, well-prepared ending that you are going to guide Kyle to. Who knows what would happen if you weren't there for him?! Would he destroy the city? Gossip about his neighbor? Fight crime? Revive a dead loved one?
Kyle can swallow the fridge . . .
. . . and Kyle can travel time and steal from the locals and dump lard on his neighbor and many, many other things that KYLE SHOULD NOT DO. Take Kyle's hand. Direct him. Tell him what he ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT DO. Confidently help Kyle. He needs you.
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