It's 1976... a different '76. Stretched out before you are thousands of miles of desert - the American Southwest. The massive engine roars as you slam down the throttle. It's time to get funked up...
You are Groove Champion, auto-vigilante. Your agenda: payback for your dead sister. Your weapon: A...
Windows 10, 1.8 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0c...
It's 1976... a different '76. Stretched out before you are thousands of miles of desert - the American Southwest. The massive engine roars as you slam down the throttle. It's time to get funked up...
You are Groove Champion, auto-vigilante. Your agenda: payback for your dead sister. Your weapon: A 425-horsepower '72 Picard Piranha with two 50-caliber machine guns on the roof and a flamethrower on the side. You're one mean dude in an even meaner ride.
They've messed with the wrong Champion.
Includes the original Interstate'76 and its expansion Interstate'76: Nitro Pack
Cinematic atmosphere, fast-paced action and an immersive story
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