Relive the tranquility and charm of your own Piemonte vineyard with the original soundtrack for Hundred Days!
Hang out in your rocking chair, bask in the sun and listen back to tracks like "High On Wine" or "A Good Day For A Chardonnay" whilst sipping on a glass from your favorite bottle....
Relive the tranquility and charm of your own Piemonte vineyard with the original soundtrack for Hundred Days!
Hang out in your rocking chair, bask in the sun and listen back to tracks like "High On Wine" or "A Good Day For A Chardonnay" whilst sipping on a glass from your favorite bottle.
The album features 9 full-length tracks featuring soothing melodic cello lines and soft, playful violin tales about wine.
The OST, delivered in both .mp3 and .wav format, is composed by the talented musicians of Tumult Kollektiv: Jonathan Howe, Leonhard van Voorst , Alexander van der Kruijf and Milan Nossin.
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