Original 30 songs composed by Sea Power for Disco Elysium - totalling 3 albums worth of music. Available in FLAC and MP3 320 kbps format.
Accompanied by a 30 page digital artbooklet curated by Aleksander Rostov. Original pieces of in game art and concept art by Aleksander Rostov, Kaspar Tamsalu,...
Original 30 songs composed by Sea Power for Disco Elysium - totalling 3 albums worth of music. Available in FLAC and MP3 320 kbps format.
Accompanied by a 30 page digital artbooklet curated by Aleksander Rostov. Original pieces of in game art and concept art by Aleksander Rostov, Kaspar Tamsalu, Rauno Somelar, Markus Härma, Siim Raidma, Mikk Metsniit, Anton Vill, Jüri Saks, Pavlo Guba, Mehdi Annassi.
+ 6 extra wallpapers in 4K resolution (Thought Cabinet, Conquest of Revachol, Martinaise Skyline)
1 Instrument of Surrender
2 Whirling-In-Rags, 8 AM
3 Detective Arriving on the Scene
4 Tiger King
5 Your Body Betrays Your Degeneracy
6 Precinct 41 Major Crime Unit
7 The Insulindian Miracle
8 Polyhedrons
9 Live With Me
10 The Field Autopsy
11 Miss Oranje Disco Dancer
12 Rue de Saint-Ghislaine 32B
13 The Doomed Commercial Area
14 The Cryptozoologists
15 Whirling-In-Rags, 8 PM
16 Disco Elysium, pt 1
17 Disco Elysium, pt. 2
18 Ecstatic Vibrations, Totally Transcendent
19 Saint-Brune 1147 (Small Pinewood Church)
20 Martinaise, Terminal B
21 We Are Not Checkmated
22 Hope in Work and Joy in Leisure
23 Burn, Baby, Burn
24 Whirling-In-Rags 12 PM
25 La Revacholiere
26 Krenel, Downwell, Somatosensor
27 Off We Go Into The Wild Pale Yonder
28 ZA/UM
29 Advesperascit
30 Ignus Nilsen Waltz
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