You play as Faye, Ian and Briff, a 3-piece band of dysfunctional friends who unknowingly stumble into a cursed battle of the bands contest, where all entrants can attack with music and must fight to the death.
Kick down every single door you come across. If you're gonna rudely enter every RPG house despite lack of invite, might as well enter in style.
Customise the band with 9 musically-themed classes to choose from, each with their own attacks, perks and COOL OUTFIT. Inspire your bandmates as a BUSKER or recklessly deal huge damage at the cost of damaging yourself as a HEADBANGER.
Fancy combat system that focuses on MEASURE EFFECTS. What happens BETWEEN turns makes all the difference, combining real-time elements with turn-based combat in a way that we're ALMOST CERTAIN has never been done before. (It's been over a year since release and no one's said otherwise yet!)
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