Are you into intriguing, well thought-out, deep and elaborate role-playing experiences? Tough luck, champ! Welcome to Bn’B™!
It’s a visual novel, but not exactly a visual novel. It’s also an RPG, but not really? It certainly is ✨something✨.
What do you think you’re doing? Attempting...
Are you into intriguing, well thought-out, deep and elaborate role-playing experiences? Tough luck, champ! Welcome to Bn’B™!
It’s a visual novel, but not exactly a visual novel. It’s also an RPG, but not really? It certainly is ✨something✨.
What do you think you’re doing? Attempting a move without consulting with the BM™ first? Thinking you’re gonna rip a goblin’s head off with your bare hands? Roll the dice, kid. Would you look at that, turns out the goblin’s a buff lil fella, you better run for your life.
Your parents never asked you if you wanted to be born, but since you’re here, you can finally take part in important decision making! Your opinion may come in handy during oddly specific, scripted, fictional scenarios where you’ll be asked to resolve conflict. For instance, do you think the party should talk to a random massive tree or would you be better off committing arson?
This campaign might be short, but you can still form long-lasting relationships (with fictional AI-controlled players that do not exist outside your computer, which sounds weirdly similar to your partner). Side with Elana and cast protection spells together (this is your Sabrina moment) or take Galskap’s side and set the whole world ablaze (this is your Pyro moment).
Kaltrion™ is like that place you never went to for your annual family vacation- AKA Nashville (good for you, though, it’s literally in the top 10 worst places for family vacation, look it up). Wait, I mean it’s a great place to visit with a Bn’B™ party, just not with your parents, maybe it’s too NSFW for them, unless you got cool parents, which you don’t cause why are you considering playing Bn’B™, then? Explore the myriads of filthy swamps, the thousands of crystal clear lakes, the hundreds of picturesque hills and one cave.
Let me set some things straight first, kiddo. This party has been active in Basementeering™ since 2017. Since then we’ve played like, what, 3 campaigns? We were busy, alright? And, most importantly, the BM™’s job is very demanding. My campaigns are top-notch, the best, chef’s kiss! I would say they’re worth all their... erhm... whatever this costs in your local currency right now (for legal reasons we cannot disclose specific amounts). Maybe even more, but I consider myself rather humble and I don’t wanna get greedy, it’s your first time playing with the party.
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