Jump back behind the wheel with the art of rally: australia dlc, and buckle up for a memorable off-road adventure as we take you on a tour down under.
6 rally stages & 1 freeroam location
Take your driving style to the
6 new stunning vistas as you race on dusty trails and pavement through eucalyptus forests and fields, or chill out and explore the terrain in
Rally stages
● gum scrub
● toorooka
● nulla nulla
● comara canyon
● lake lucernia
● wombamurra
● comara

4 new cars, 2 new tunes
Master the four new cars- from nimble hatchbacks to rugged sedans.
● the rotary kei
● das scholar
● das maestro
● the kingpin
And as soundtrack to the outback, we've added
2 new tunes that’ll get your head bopping and feet tapping. Recorded with a didgeridoo by Tatreal.

iconic wildlife
Keep your eyes peeled for some new friends! kangaroos and emus will accompany your journey for that ultimate aussie experience.

© Funselektor 2023