Once upon a time Ubisoft was GOOD!
Sound crazy, doesn't it?! But yes, they were the good guys. And they brought a realtime Adventure game that always somehow reminded me on the Film "Dawn of the dead"... later, when I was old enought to watch the Film.
To be true, I can't really tell how much it has to do with this Film. Because I NEVER made it to the end. Its more or less realtime (cant exactly remember if realtime or "realtime by movement"). That means you need lots of tries to manage your actions eactly to not bump into a Zombie unarmed. ...and I played it on C64 where it was monochrome graphics (black and yellow as far as I remember). So you really had to look for objects in the size of just a view pixels.
But beside it is great, even just as a proof that Ubisoft was not always the cheap money-hungry Datacollector-company it is today (2025) this game really needs attention and preservation!