The Xargon Trilogy, is yet another of Epic's early shareware development and publishing deals, and one of their best.
Follow Malvineous Havershim as he investigates the mysterious ruins that transport him to another world, which he must travese to defeat the evil Xargon. Playing much like the Jill of the Jungle trilogy (which is here on GOG already), Xargon is an upgrade in pretty much every way, graphics, music and sound.
I picked up the floppy disk shareware version in a blister pack from an office supply store when i was young and was captivated by the strange creatures and bizzare worlds it sent me through, clambering through caves, forests, swamps and robotic facilities in a quest to destroy the first of Xargon's reactors. Being a shareware of that era, it would preview the last two episodes and i would see the curious creatures and strange landscapes i could not reach without the full edition which left me wanting more.
It was not until many years later that I finally got my hands on the full game and got to see Malvineous' journey to it's conclusion, destroying all of Xargon's reactors and defeating Xargon himself, finally freeing Malvineous from this strange world. It is definitely a solid and enjoyable experience all the way through and a game i look back on fondly, alongside many of the gaming gems produced during the golden age of shareware (some of which are already available on GOG - Jill of the Jungle, Bio Menace, Monster Bash, Crystal Caves, Secret Agent, Blake Stone etc.) I still play it fairly often through good 'ol DOSBox and having played Epic's entire shareware back catalaog i can safely say that this is one of Epic's MS-DOS shareware classics and really should have been tracked down to fill out Epic's missing back catalogue on GOG long ago.