Spellbound DizzyDizzy's been visiting his local friendly Wizard Theo. Now Theo, who may be a dab hand in the waving of wands area, is not much cop at the filing-things-away-neatly department, and he's left his Book of Really Powerful Spells lying round in his laboratory. What's more, the book's been left open at the page headed A Really, Really, Powerful Spell (That Shouldn't Be Read Out Loud). Whether Dizzy actually read the heading is not known but - yikes! - he said the spell and it's caused a catastrophe- Dizzy's spirited all his Yolk Folk chums and Wizard Theo into the underworld! Cripes! There's only one course of action open to the brave little hero- read the spell again and spirit himself into the underworld to save his rotund group of pals!