Why should Ghost Recon Wildlands be worthy of preservation? If you're still playing this game all these years after release, then you know. What was meant to be a reboot of the GR series inadvertently created one of the most unique open world games I've ever played. The thought was simple: combine a game that provided more tactical gameplay and throw it into a vast open world. Not only that, but make it so that you can effectively approach any mission in the game at any time, in nearly any possible way. *Not only that,* make it co-op; not only that, make it co-op in a way where any progress transferred back to all the players' saves. SO, what you have is a game that outright encourages you and your friends to just follow your bliss, do whichever missions seem interesting, blow things up, attack enemy bases, steal vehicles, track down intel and unlock new devices/weapons, unlock new cosmetics for your operator... There's just a lot to do. Just playing on one save casually solo and occasionally with friends, I've been playing for years. There's just so much to do, and the world, while feeling incredibly diverse and handcrafted all the way through, is large enough that it would likely take you hours to traverse on foot. It's just a unique game. Not perfect by any means, but so unique in that Dragon Age: Origins kind of way, where it just went all-in on a particular concept in a way that not even the same studio can ever hope to replicate it ever again.