TMW is like a cross between Command + Conquer and chess. Sadly it was released right around the same time as C+C1 and C+C1 had much better gameplay, graphics, sound, music, everything so TMW disappeared into obscurity. But there's something I just love about the fact that it isn't just a mad tank rush, you have to be really careful about -when- you move units from one square to another because they can't fire again until they reach the new square. Meaning you have to plan a lot and move them in formations so no enemies can sneak through. If you just try to rectangle-select a whole bunch of units and move them all at once (like you would do in C+C), they'll go into complete disarray and move in wrong directions trying to walk around each other and get shot to bits, you have to be a lot more careful than that in TMW. The planes are really interesting too as you can't select them after they've taken off so again you have to really think ahead and plan what you're doing which is why I love it.