Game modes:Single player, Co-operative, Split screen
Story:The Simpsons is basically a side-scrolling beat-em-up featuring the characters from The Simpsons TV show. The player can choose to play as each of the four Simpson characters. Homer, who punches and kicks; Marge, who swings her vacuum cleaner; Bart, who wields his skateboard; and Lisa, who uses a jump rope as a whip. Other weapons such as hammers and bowling balls are also available to use.
The game's levels are Downtown Springfield, Krustyland, Springfield Discount Cemetery, Moe's Tavern, Springfield Gorge, Dreamland, the Channel 6 studio, and the Power Plant. Each level ends with a boss whose speed and strength will increase after taking a certain amount of damage.
Between levels, the player can compete against the other characters in two mini-games to be first to complete a task (inflating a balloon and waking up their character).Show more
The Simpsons Arcade Game I used to play a lot at a local Chuck E. Cheese growing up. I also had the now delisted Xbox 360 port. Which I deeply enjoyed playing at the time. This was during the 90s when Konami was on a roll with licensed games. This was the original Simpsons game. Somehow it still holds up amazingly well. Also among the three best Simpsons games ever made. The soundtrack as well as the sound effects truly amazing. There's a few mini games that's a bit repetitive to a degree. You can play as most of the Simpsons family. There's a good variety within the stages. I do think a newer port of this Simpsons game would sell very well. There's a lot of people that never played the original Arcade classic. This is up there with their Arcade TMNT games respectively.
I remember playing this on DOS. Before I could even play, a Password needed to be inputted. I didn’t know the Password so I would try numerous times until I got the right one. Great Memories.
Played it on the XBox 360-but it was never given backwards compatibility. May be a tough license to get as The Simpson's are now Disney IP. Good luck GoG and I hope you can bring this great game here.
Logo quando lançou apareceu no shooping que eu frequentava, a fila era enorme, nem teve como jogar, um game bem divertido, e como já saiu pra xbox360 e ps3 bem que poderia aparecer aqui pra poder comprar