TSW hit me like no other MMO, and like very few games in general. The lore, the story, the locations, all of that is so unique had a deep impact on me. I still want to visit the locations shown in the game to this day (minus the horrors, ideally). It's investigation type missions were nothing like I've ever encountered in a game. It was my comfort game, and I thought my MMO to be. So when they decided to switch over to SW:L and reset everyone's progress it was heart wrenching. Years later I downloaded it after all, and it just feels so weird and complex with the new progression system and loot boxes and the likes. I just wish for the old game I knew and loved to be back, be it single player or MMO, and visit all those wonderous locations again, and relive this feeling of being a teenager that can't wait to log in to play this game.