This was my main childhood TMNT game. I know most TMNT fans were on Nintendo. Sega barely gotten in with just two TMNT games. As a kid I used to watch up to quickly start playing this TMNT game. Even after an Home Alone inspired incident my brother done to me. Where I had to move a little differently no broken bones. I'm also aware many people prefer TMNT IV: Turtles in Time. I felt in some aspects this was better. For example I prefer the background to Super Shredder boss fight more. The cut scene where Shredder shows up among finding the Technodrome. Parts of the intro were more awesome. Sure almost every boss fight pulled from other TMNT games. This was the only console TMNT game of it's era to have Tatsu. You know Shredder's right hand man in two live action TMNT movies. Most of the stages were pulled from other TMNT games. At the same time how they were altered made em more interesting. I know a lot of people didn't like Stage 4 since you defeat three bosses you already beaten. The enemy AI is actually among the best in that era. Despite being five stages long, the stages are notably longer in comparison. This is simply more of it's own thing than an reworked Turtles in Time game. I always enjoyed the soundtrack a lot. The sound effects are such iconic in recent years. For the first Sega TMNT game it was a lot of fun to play. It's a great alternative if you can't play either version of Turtles in Time honestly. This TMNT game is overlooked due to TMNT IV. But also deeply underrated among other TMNT games as well. This still among my favorite TMNT games I played.