This is a must if you're an TMNT fan. It's quite rare when a game costs $39.99 to actually be worth that price. You get thirteen TMNT games from five platforms. Some cool surprises including Turtle's Lair section packed with em. Close to half the games has online multiplayer. There's a good variety of game play styles in these. All of them is emulated well or better with NES TMNT games having additional options. I know it's mind blowing in a few years this many TMNT games. All done by Konami no less. Nickelodeon, Konami and Digital Eclipse came together to make this possible. You will be playing this for hours. It's so easy to replay majority of these TMNT games as well. You really see this massive love letter to the franchise. Mostly based on the TMNT 1987 cartoon show with the comics. In all honestly, it's so damn good you aren't living until you play this!!!