Story:The Space Pirates, merciless agents of the evil Mother Brain, have stolen the last Metroid from a research station, and once again Mother Brain threatens the safety of the galaxy! Samus Aran must don her awesome array of high-tech weaponry to retrieve the deadly Metroid hidden deep within the cave-riddled planet Zebes. Super Metroid features excellent graphics, with a huge variety of enemies and worlds to explore. The side-view action will be familiar to many players, only now there are new weapons and items, including the Grappling Beam, which allows Samus to swing across large chasms, and the X-Ray Scope, which reveals secret passages.Show more
littery in my top 3 game ever i play this one so much i break the physical game that i have . instant buy if gog make it possibl;e . by the love a god play vote for this game i need to play again so much good
I remember being a kid, playing this game with my dad on the SNES. I was bad but he helped me and soon enough I was playing it on my own. Please bring this so I can share these memories to other kids.