So, I know this is a bit weird, but Web Of Shadows came out the year I was born, so I've always had a special connection with this game. I was unfortunately born with, as "certain people" in my life would say "quite a few complex health conditions." so I haven't been able to do things like normal people, and even now I've gotten so sick that I am unable to go to face-to-face school, so lets just say I don't have a booming social life, so of course I turned to gaming. Gaming is genuinely my only outlet in life and one of the only things keeping me going, and Spider-Man is, embarrassingly, one of the most influential and important figures in my life. Everyone who I've seen online always say that this is the definitive Spider-Man game, so obviously I NEED to play it! I do understand that there is a whole lot of legal issues with the older Spider-Man games, but I really just wanted to get my story out there, and who knows, maybe even someone else can relate. Welp, thanks for letting me share my story GOG, and please, and I mean PLEASE, keeping gaming alive!