I grew up with all of the skylanders games, my first was giants as I played at a friends house, I then convinced my parents to get me skylanders giants too and every christmas after that I got the new skylanders game, it made my childhood magical. (I got spyros on a birthday at a later date.) Skylanders is my favorite game from my childhood, it's simply the best game a child can experience, I still own all my skylanders, consoles and games, but if those consoles die before my future children can experience the joys of skylanders I would be devastated, my wii nunchuck has already broken and it is the first to do so, but there's not many new parts being made anymore right? I really hope GOG can allow me and my future family, along with millions of other families to experience the joys of skylanders. I truly believe it's that good.
Ps: I'm not a bot, I'm autistic.