I remember being gifted Civ 5 in 2012, only having played Civ 3 seriously before and thinking: 'Civ 5 is pretty gimmicky because of the Hexagons.' and not really liking it / taking it at face value. Then Shelfing the game till 2018 or 2019 when at the start of summer I had just gone trough a stressful semester and felt like I want to try something new. I installed Civ 5, stared a full random game, got given Askia's Songhai and I played the game for a bit, felt I was getting hungry and I remember telling myself "those last 2 hours of Civ 5 are so fun!", then going to another room and realising it's night time outside and I have played for 12 hours straight. No bathroom breaks, no food, no sense of time. And it was Vanilla CIV V! VANILLA! When you play Gods and Kings afterwards Vanilla feels unplayable. What an amazing time travel tool Sid Meier and Firaxis have made!