Shadow Dancer not to be confused with the Arcade game of a similar title. This was release between The Revenge of Shinobi and Shinobi 3. Despite being more of it's own thing. Shadow Dancer plays heavily similar to the original Shinobi. You quickly memorizes the stages to rescue people. You gotta do your best to avoid taking any hits because you die instantly. Suddenly boss fights are more intense. There's a small variety within the stages. It's not a long Shinobi game either. Considering copy right situation with The Revenge of Shinobi. It's possible more people played this than that. I do enjoy the soundtrack with some of the effects. The final section will truly test how good you are at the game despite not being an maze. Some amazing animations including some of the bosses. Some may say it's the weakest among the Genesis Shinobi trilogy. I don't consider any of them weak by any means. I will state it's not as good as the other two Shinobi games. At the same time, it's more meant for classic Shinobi players. Obviously two different Shinobi styles. You simply felt more satisfied getting through the stages here. You also get a dog to help you out. The bonus stage is just as simple as the one in the original Shinobi minus you losing at any moment. Shadow Dancer is a game more under the radar than anything else. It's a great shorter Shinobi game that stands out on it's own.