Amazing series. If you look deeper than what you can find on the images, you will find amazing characters with amazing backstories. You might even relate to some of them. Dealing with the pressure of being a descendant of someone powerful, living in poverty, isolating yourself from society, ... . What for most people started with a naughty fighting game has stayed in most peoples hearts as a comfort series, where you can just forget everything that is going on in your life and go back to a simpler time. Simple yet deep games, that make you laugh right after making you emotional. I will never understand how the series basically ended, because the corporations behind it are more and more against fanservice. How can ultra violent games keep coming out, while games that just show a bit of skin are being discontinued. Please bring the rest of the series to GOG so more people can experience them, while people that already love them can finally have them locally backed up (without a DRM) so they can always go back to their comfort games.