My favourite game in the Senran Kagura franchise, and one of the best games on the 3DS. The level design worked perfectly, the music was amazing, the boss battles were memorable and unique, the graphics are beautiful, the character interactions are hilarious when they need to be and serious or emotional when they don't, the action gameplay was sharp as you could hope for with unique movesets for each character--the only knock on it is that it's locked on the 3DS. This is the only game in the franchise that hasn't been on PC officially in some way, shape or form; a port or remaster is long overdue, and once again, Good Old Games is in a position where they could--and should--do something amazing here with Marvelous, which could bring more games in the franchise to the storefront (hopefully!) and, with any luck, Senran Kagura could finally come back for 7EVEN without interference from console corporate weirdos.