I gave this a try after really enjoying the movie, and it was so good that it inspired me to go out and buy the comics, and I am not a comic gal; my entire collection consists of Scott Pilgrim, Bone, and number of random Mario and Far Side compilations. I had a blast solo and co-op, and it's like a faster River City Ransom with tighter design, more special moves, and a soundtrack so incredible that the composer was called back to make the music for the new animated series. It's a lot more approachable than most oldschool Brawlers, too; if you run out of lives, you can go right back to the last section you reached and continue from there. I'd love to see it here, because anywhere else you get it, Ubisoft tacks on their launcher, so you're running it through several launchers at the same time, which is just ridiculous.