Game modes:Single player, Co-operative, Multiplayer, Split screen
Story:Resistance: The Trilogy (released as Resistance Collection in North America) consists of the following Resistance games:
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Bonus Content from Resistance 2 and Resistance 3
An impressive trilogy, with a lot of quality and creativity in both the story and multiplayer, with unique and very complete elements.
I loved the story, the Chimera, the weapons, the scenarios, the soundtrack, and the multiplayer was fantastic!
One of the first games I played on ps3. Absolutely fantastic trilogy. One of my most cherished childhood memories was beating resistance fall of man with my little brother in splitscreen.
Resistance needs to comeback! It has been a very impressive series. I spent lots of memories playing this. I hope this series to make its way to PC ASAP. Or at least make resistance 4
Resistance was the first game I got with my ps3 back in the day along with uncharted, and something else that I don't remember, and uncharted has been released on pc so why not this?
Mes premiers jeux sur PS3 avec Uncharted. Tant de souvenirs. Le lore, les chimères, les armes tout étaient fabuleux. Le mode coopératif était cool aussi. Faite moi revivre ça please.
The enemy type in resistance is unforgettable. The Chimera play an outstanding role in the story, as they start out as a global military threat that grows like a plague. Then spirals out of control into an apocalyptic event with factions divided between feral Chimera and those connected to the HiveMind Network. It has some amazing level design, and a great inventory of weapons.
The weapons, the chimera, the alternate history setting, the backstory, it brings back so many memories. The multiplayer and co-op was mega fun too, I hope they can bring it back at some point.
I only have the oportunity to play the last game on ps3 long time ago, it would be cool to play the first 2 games on pc, and of course play again the last one, very cool game with a excellent lore
Favourite game series ever. Played for hundreds and hundreds of hours across every title, it had one of the best multiplayer experiences and a variety of modes; Excellent world building, lore and variety in scenarios. A pc port would be a dream come true.
Best game of its time for Playstation. Would love to get to finish all the games. The story and game play was well developed, everyone should get to play this gem and enjoy it!