Story:One of the ports for the popular Resident Evil (1996), this Game Boy Color remake was one of the many planned ports for the game. In 1999, HotGen Studios, Ltd., a company in the United Kingdom, was selected by Capcom to port the game.
This should not be confused with Resident Evil Gaiden or the later and much more superior port, Resident Evil: Deadly Silence.
The Game Boy Color game is a direct-conversion of the PlayStation game, down to camera angles, story, and enemy\item placement. The difference is the sprite scaling for characters and enemies to move on a psuedo-3D plane with static backgrounds. New features planned for this was a greater variety of enemies and the ability to disarm traps. A new save feature was also in development, negating Ink Ribbons and Typewriters.
The game was 90% complete when, upon evaluation from Capcom, was canceled with the official statement being they were "not confident that the product would have made both consumers and Capcom happy."
2 cartridge ROM dumps were recovered and leaked online in 2012 following a $2000 fundraiser.
The game is still buggy and unfinished. E.g., there's no ending screen, doors won't say they're locked or what key you need, all weapons have infinite ammo, and zombies are forced into invisible "zones" to make sure very few sprites were on screen at the same time.Show more