The last decent Rampage game by far. After this the franchise fell hard. Rampage 2: Universal Tour was a follow up to Rampage World Tour. Which is already a tough act to follow. You get a lot more monsters this time. You get to destroy a lot of locations including a few in space. Yeah it's a bit disappointing there's little to no other planet levels. Considering they ruined the following game with you forced to compete against AI monsters through out time. This would be the better end of the stick. The CD versions has these rememberable cut scenes to help tell the story. I actually felt this had the best story of the franchise. The game play is very similar to Rampage World Tour. For an console exclusive sequel it's quite good. I always enjoyed the soundtrack with it's effects to a degree. I actually both N64 Rampage games growing up. In some aspects it's surprisingly better than Rampage World Tour. It's perfect if you can't play Rampage World Tour simply go play this instead. You will be surprise how great this game is. Especially after you play the games following this. You'll be grateful to ever given this a try.