An extremely underrated game it seems. Please upvote this game. Please play this game. Why? Because there exist games where the developers offered a feature rarely seen anywhere else or since - this is one such game.
This game was released around the same time as Deus Ex 2: Invisible War.
What makes this game so special, and my favorite memories of it, were the vast number of gameplay options. Weapons have secondary fire modes. There are multiple augmentations with various useful effects. There are multiple ways to approach combat.
When many of the well-known games restrict the player to only two weapons, maybe a grenade, and even more rarely a utility item, Project: Snowblind gives you variety and options. This is what makes it fun.
Some games you play for the challenge, some games you play to be the best and the fastest. But if you want to have fun, if you want to find new and creative ways to approach a combat situation - Project: Snowblind is your playground. Please preserve and play this game. And let's hope many more developers approach gameplay in a similar way.