This game is so unique! The story is very good, graphics as well, the OST is also amazing and the gameplay is also amazing! So what else to say?
It's an open world game where you explore the jungle with temples, moutains, caves etc. You gain new powers and items as you progress so you can revisit many areas and unlock new paths!
The difficulty is perfectly balanced, the game has a lot of humor, it's a hidden gem everyone should play!
The PC version has slightly better graphics compared to console but it's very difficult to get this game to work on PC as of today, I was never abled to. If this game was on GOG it would be life changing and I could share this legendary unknown adventure-platformer as good as a Rayman and superior to a Mario to all my friends!
It's also a very fun game to speedrun as you can climb trees and moutains for example and do parkour in the decorations of the game, even out of bounds somehow, stuff still has physics! It doesn't mean the game is glitched in a way where it ruins the gameplay, it means you're free to do parkour and have fun to purposely skip some areas for speedrunning! You won't find any major glitch by playing normally.
Gameplay : 10/10
Replay Value : 10/10
Graphics : 8/10
OST : 10/10
Story : 9/10