When I was 6 years old, I had learned that my father, a true renaissance man, spoke fluent German and French. I was fascinated and wanted to l learn German too. Along with that I discovered his love of history. I became a basic armchair historian.
We had a Windows 95 and 98 PC, I do not remember which one we used at the time. Anyways, my mother knew I would enjoy a practical way to experience history. So one Christmas morning, I woke up around 5 something AM before anyone else was up to see what Santa brought me for Christmas. I looked in my stocking and pulled out this jewel case of Panzer General. I believe this is the first video game I ever owned. I still have it, but the disc is very scratched up.
I played this game so so much! I'd take a break, play some new PC I got over the years, and would come back and replay it. I loved watching the animated combat scenes, seeing all the different kinds of units and airplanes I could purchase and recognize some of what they were. It was really cool to play with German units, but even more mind blowing to have the diversity occasionally of using Italian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and other units. I loved seeing how long I could last in the Battle of Berlin, or see if I could manage to take Washington, D.C. in the hypothetical what-if scenario. Even the retro video game music in it was catchy and enjoyable. I believe you could even have scenarios where you played as the Allies.
In my older age, I am not much of a turn based strategy person anymore, but I would play this again in a heart beat if it became practial with GOG. The other Panzer General games are on GOG, but it is hard for this older dog to learn new tricks. Please bring it back GOG.com! If you need the CD to borrow, let me know!