DraculaWelcome to Transylvania! Our people are in the steely grip of the worst monster the world has ever known...
We need your help, Brave One, to destroy the Lord of the Vampires.
You will have to search for him in one of the ten locations, and move until you find him. But beware, he will be after you at the same time!
Van Helsing, Dracula's arch foe, will have supplied you with a Crucifix, all you need do is strike the prince with it and his evil body will turn to dust, in fact, all you need do is find him! He's so evil now that the mere sight of the Cross will destroy him!
However, if you don't get the Prince of Darkness by midnight, his power will have become so great that he will find you and kill you easily, no, my friend, worse than that, you will rise again, Undead! But have no fear, Van Helsing will find you and slay you before you kill anyone!
You will always be supplied with a list of sites where he may be, and you will also be told how late in the evening it is. To select a location to search, you use only the first three letters of its name.
Eg : gra for graveyard
You will also be asked if you dare try further. Remember, the longer in one place, the more likely you're to be discovered. Answer either Y or N when asked if you will search further.
Your task, the, Brave One, is to kill Dracula before he finds you and before midnight!!
If you find him first, you will see 'got him' appear!
The first site you will see is the monster as a bat, flying overhead - but take heart, he is not invincible!
If at any time you wish to return to the MENU, press 'H' .