Story:TOAW is the first in a series of wargames released by Talonsoft. The game focuses on historic conflicts (mainly World War 2 and Korea) that lie between army- and battalion-sized engagements. Each unit is modelled individually down to infantry guns, tanks, etc. The game is scenario driven, meaning that there is no campaign where you fight battle after battle. A scenario can last from a couple of hours to several years (in game time). Two graphics modes are available: Top-down and isometric (pseudo 3D). The latter one shows units as "miniatures-like" icons, representing the main type of equipment in the formation. The other mode uses military symbols for representation. The game is played on a zoomable map (2 levels). The game includes weather effects and political events.
All features of the game (units, map, events, etc.) can be edited through the included scenario editor.Show more