This was one of the games that was made available during my 1st and 2nd grade elementary school classes if we finished our classwork early! On special occasions (because at the time, typing and computer literacy was required from K-12), we got to just use the computers, and I would often play this game and one about identifying rocks based on testing. I feel I really learned a lot from this game as a kid about what to expect from the world of commerce and economy once I grew up. The value of the dollar may not be the same, but the premise currently still stands. Plus, watching your stand succeed based on your decisions is so much fun!
I am a huge fan of edutainment games of yesterday. I think many of them still have high value to kids today, if only there was a way for kids to access them. Seeing games like this (which is a part of gaming history and should be preserved on that merit alone) continue to be made available to new generations is not dissimilar to introducing your child to your favorite children's book. Learning never goes out of style. :)