Story:Island Xtreme Stunts is the third Lego Island game. It is a mission-based stunt driving game, centered around an open world hub. It is unknown why the word "Lego" was dropped from the title.
I got this on computer one year, and used to sink hours into playing around on the island, skateboarding, and exploring. It was like a kid friendly version of GTA.
I never did get a chance to buy or play this game when I was a kid unfortunately. With that being said, I would like to give it a try if it's released on this platform. Better late than never I suppose.
I have the disc version and I can't play it, this game is bad coded it crashes every few minutes, every guide in the web didn't help, it just refuses to work properly.
I wanted to play this game so bad when I was a kid, but after I got it Lego's messed-up copy protection made it impossible to run on our family PC.
I'm literally waiting since more than 20 years to finally be able to play this game.