Oh the sequel, how I've known you too! Kingdom Hearts 2 & its predecessor are my most favorite games of all time. Personally, I just love the gameplay loop of going to a world, fighting the Heartless, fighting a boss, then repeating this process until the world is saved; it's surprising fun to do, but Kingdom Hearts 2 somehow pushed that formula & everything else a bit further. That alone is what I felt was crazy about this game; it did everything just more! More combat mechanics were added, more bosses were added (at least it felt like that), the "traveling to a world on your gummi ship" minigame became a full-fledged game in its own right, and - due to story events - the game managed to double its playtime without making it feeling repetitive. Just unlocking the purchasable materials at the Moogle vendors by collecting a large amount of each crafting material was surprising fun (a bit annoying at times, but still). This game is awesome for just upping every aspect of an already wonderful experience. I'll be more than excited if this game comes to GOG.