Hexxagon II is a puzzle game developed by Argo Games, creators of Argo Checkers, Hexxagon, Night Raid and ugh...*shudders*...Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport.
While Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport is rightly heralded as one of the worst fight games ever and one of Apogee's greatest mis-fires, effectively ending Argo Games as a game developer, Argo Game's earlier works were fun and perfectly serviceable puzzle games.
Hexxagon II was a game I downloaded to experience based on my nostalgic memories of Hexxagon - the first game I ever purchased. Based off the advertising screens and animation that would play when Hexxagon was closed, Hexxagon II promised improved AI, more impressive animations and entirely new board and playing pieces.
When I booted it up, what I found was basically more of Hexxagon. Splitting pieces, jump and spreading across the board to have more pieces than the opponent, the three difficulty levels and the editor were all still present. Yes, the animations were slightly more complex, the sounds were a little better and the AI did seem a little smarter, but it was basically more Hexxagon, albeit on a different board with different pieces, but that was no bad thing.
Being significantly older than my young self that played Hexxagon years prior, Hexxagon II was less of challenge now, although the hardest AI still proved a challenge at times. I messed around with the editor once again, creating silly play scenarios weighted both for and against me, along with a few custom designs that proved to be a fair challenge.
Overall with Hexxagon II being basically more Hexxagon (the registered half of Hexxagon) - it is still a short and simple but somewhat challenging puzzle game, and would be wisely bundled with it's prequel (and maybe Argo Checkers) to increase the package value if it were re-released here for a cost. However I feel it's real value is in it's preservation as a fairly lost and nearly forgotten piece of MS-DOS and shareware gaming history.