The Ford Racing series, and more specifically FR3 is a big ever-present part of my life. I was born into a PS2 with FR3, and I played it so much my dad had to sand down the CD multiple times throughout my life. It was fun by myself playing all of the unique game modes and with my dad or the rare friend coming over for 1v1 split-screen racing. I want to see GOG do something to re-release this game, as well as other games in the FR series because I want to garner a modern audience to enjoy these games, and for myself to possibly attain better PC ports of these games, as they all have numerous issues. FR2 has jank music drivers that may or may not work on your system, FR3 has a leftover debug HUD and lots of minor stability issues, and none of the games support widescreen natively on PC (but there is a really good universal fix for most of the games by AuToMaNiAk005). If anyone at GOG can get a hold of the source code for any of the FR games, I think they can do great things with it to ensure it'll look and run better on modern systems than it ever could've with the original builds. More in-depth moddability would be a great plus as well, but I wouldn't mind having absolutely no additional features if there is even the sliver of a chance at an actually stable build of this game that feels just like any other modern PC program.