Oh my goodness. You have no idea how much I played this game after receiving a christmas gift copy of it. My parents came to hate the very idea of Fifa 98 after seeing how many hours I ploughed into it :) Along with Tomb Raider 2 this was my go-to-title in the late 90s, just an absolute joy to play with.
The music was amazing, Blur and others. The graphics, out of this world at the time. The controls, easy to learn (Ctrl + W for the Cruyff turn!). You had all the 200+ Fifa members available to play in qualifying and then you could play the World Cup 98 itself. Plus you had training mode, seasons from all major leagues and many people's favourite, the indoor games.
All in all, a fantastic game well worth the price. But please, only restore it if you can keep the original soundtrack intact, otherwise it's half the fun.