Story:Dino Crisis 3 is a survival horror video game released exclusively for the Xbox. It is the fourth and final game in the Dino Crisis series. Like the previous iterations of the series, gameplay revolves around fighting dinosaurs. Unlike the first three installments of the Dino Crisis series, the enemies in the game are not real-world dinosaurs, but new species created through advanced genetic engineering technology. The action takes place in outer space, on a starship, the Ozymandias.Show more
I played the first 2 games on playstation, but have never owned an xbox. I would love to be able to play this one too!
I just bought the other two, please add this one as well :)
I had a Original Xbox and must give the Game back and could only play 2 Hours. Later i had no chance to play it again. It was so cool, this Futer looking Ship and the Dinos. (Sorry my English)
I would like this game on gog since we have the first 2 games, and plus i never beat this game and theirs no other way to play this with out og hardware. This would be cool upscaled.
I nvr got the chance to play this one, I played and loved the first and second game, but nvr got the opportunity for the third. Plus the reviews saying its a bad DC sequel is also a reason why I nvr bothered with it. But nonetheless its still something I like to get my hands on.
Though this is the worst of the trilogy, very difficult, and it is an Original Xbox exclusive, to have it would be nice, since it completes the saga! Of course, it is not a masterpiece, but it has its own charm, even if it is very well hidden!
It was a "big Metroid energy" game for people allergic to first-person back during Prime's heyday and when I thought we wouldn't get a third person Metroid again. Granted, eventually we had Dread and Samus Returns, but this game still deserves checking out.
Never got a chance to play this when i was young and only played dino crisis 1 and 2 so here's hopefully to see this game on gog to get the dino crisis 3 new gaming experience.
I know most people don't like this game but this was one of my guilty pleasures back in the day. When I saw the previous 2 games were brought here to GOG I instantly thought of this game so here I am.
Please bring Dino Crisis 3 to GOG next.
I've bought the first Xbox back then only to be able to play Oddworld Munch's Oddysee and Dino Crisis 3 but also I've loved to play Dead or Alive 3, Halo 1 &2 and Def Jam fight for NY on the console but also many other games!