"Desert" and "Jungle" Strike were two games I had as a collection on a CD-ROM back in the mid-'90s and they were quite novel for the fact that you just flew a helicopter in an isometric view, going from mission to mission in something of a campaign-structure, as far as I can remember. - I think it was somewhat challenging, but at least pretty fun and varied seeing what would happen next with every mission.
I knew about 'Urban Strike', but did not know "Soviet" and "Nuclear", which also look a bit different, existed. - Regardless, I think they should all be on GOG because they were quite solid old games, from a time when EA was rather known as Electronic Arts and Gremlin Interactive was still around. I honestly expected they would already be on here, but perhaps EA is still the factor as to whether or not they will appear on GOG. - I hope they will!