I knew it as Dark Chronicle (much cooler name, thank you Europe), but this was THE game of my childhood; it never felt like I needed anything else, and frankly it damaged my perception of other games by raising my expectations too much. It just seemed in a class of its own in terms of creativity, mechanics, and diversity.
I feel like this title practically redefines the term 'hidden gem'.
This thing has 3+ minigames each with their own set of in-depth rules and mechanics, each with a supporting game system. It has weapon creation and upgrades that were ridiculously in-depth for the time, and still surpass a lot of modern games. It has an unusual roguelite-style dungeon system with surprisingly dynamic combat and level variety, with heaps of underlying mechanics and little unique gameplay tricks. It is centered around a regional crafting and building system that interacts with contextual and story-defined character recruitment. It has unique and challenging bosses - even when it indulges in a bit of backtracking. It's got a relatively simple but effective (and occasionally very surprising) storyline on par with games like the Final Fantasies.
I may sound a bit obsessed, but I was just never able to get over the sheer amount of STUFF that was in this game - nothing else on the platform ever seemed to get close. And all along it was encapsulated in a really intriguing and unusual world, bonkers concepts, with music that still sticks in my head, endearing characters, and vibrant and beautiful graphics that hold up startlingly well, considering its age.
I went so far as to set it up on an emulator, but that always seemed to get bogged down in PC-side performance issues and glitches. Having this ported properly to PC would be a dream come true.