I love late 90s/2000s Point and Click Adventures. Also love to see the Art of Murder Series, the Chronicles of Mystery games, Hotel, Alter Ego, Keepsake, Everlight, So Blonde, Captain Morgane, The Crystal Key 1 & 2, Black Sails, A Vampyre Story, Treasure Island, Gilbert Goodmate, Culpa Innata, The Cameron Files 1 & 2, Lost Chronicles of Zerzura, Memento Mori 1 & 2, The Last Half of Darkness games, Undercover - Operation Wintersun, the Capri games (Anacapri, A Quiet Weekend in Capri, I Misteri di Capri 2 - The Capri Connection), Amber - Journeys beyond, Gray Matter, the three Agatha Christie adventures from The Adventure Company, Nibiru and so on ...