I still have a cd copy of Axis & Allies in the little plastic case it came in in the 90's. I did not remember that it was made for Windows 95/98. My dad, brother, our friends and I used to play it for hours. Sometimes on the same side and sometimes against each other. We also had the Axis & Allies board game and would break it out too, but we could get in a round or a few on the computer quick. The AI was good enough to have fun and allow you to test tactics when playing solo. I think the last time we played was when I still had a windows XP computer. At some point the game got glitchy and the cd might not work anymore, but it's a keepsake to me. I hope that I will ge to play it again some day.
As a side note, my copy of Axis & Allies says it was made by Infogrames under license by Hasbro. I believe Infogrames is part of Atari now.