I played Atlas Reactor habitually with some close friends from its early days in late 2016 (Blackburn had just come out) and stayed in touch with it, playing the odd match or two every week, until its shutdown in June 2018. All in all I spent around 700 hours playing it. I was there as the servers went down and said my goodbyes, but I've never left the game truly behind.
Atlas Reactor is -- or was -- so uniquely fun in its concept and gameplay. Sure, colourful online hero arenas are a dime a dozen, and Atlas Reactor was never mold-breaking in character designs or graphics, but the gameplay of turn-based gameplay where moves are inserted in advance and then acted out in distinct phases made it something that hasn't been replicated successfully since. It was like online Frozen Synapse -- or Diplomacy, for the board game fans -- making bluffing and predicting ability valuable assets, as well as being to coordinate your team's moves two or three turns in advance, to have a gameplan and see it fall apart upon contact with the enemy. I've played with strategic geniuses, I've had my games ruined in the best possible ways by utter lunatics, and I've had multiple cherished memories of good plays that do not require my old and decrepit body to maintain an acceptable APM. There has been nothing truly like it since.
I have no idea if bringing this game back is even possible, but on the off chance it is... I would very much like to see it tried.