From Brigitta Rena, the creator of A Raven Monologue and She & The Light Bearer.
When the Past was Around is an adventure point-and-click puzzle game about love, moving on, letting go, and the joy and pain of everything in between.
This is the story of Eda, a girl in her early 20s....
From Brigitta Rena, the creator of A Raven Monologue and She & The Light Bearer.
When the Past was Around is an adventure point-and-click puzzle game about love, moving on, letting go, and the joy and pain of everything in between.
This is the story of Eda, a girl in her early 20s.
Like anyone in her age, she’s lost.
She lost her way in the journey to achieve her dreams.
She lost her way in the journey to find love.
That until she met The Owl.
The man that would help her burn her passion,
the man that would help her find the spark in a relationship,
and also the man that would teach her about heartbreak.
The game tells a bittersweet tale between a girl and her lover in a surreal world consisting of disjointed rooms from memories and time. With each gathered clue, solved puzzles, and unlocked door, the girl will find her way, unraveling the secrets between her and her lover, the secrets which she used to know.
A picture speaks a thousand words.
Experience the game’s story not through words nor dialogues but beautifully hand-drawn art created by famous Indonesian artist, Brigitta Rena.
A short, sweet and whimsical journey.
Explore a bittersweet tale between a girl and her lover in a surreal world consisting of disjointed rooms of memories and time.
Personal and ubiquitous.
a game about overcoming the past and finding the self.
Solve brain-teasing puzzles.
Various intriguing puzzles to solve and stories to uncover.
Let the music guide you.
Atmospheric violin music will accompany you from the peaceful days to the angstiest moments
When The Past Was Around is a short silent narrative experience that can be finished in less than 2 hours. Even though it is a short game, we’ve put all our hearts into delivering a deep and meaningful experience for you. We hope that the brief moment you spend with Eda and Owl would be priceless and unforgettable.
Häufige Erfolge
Teezeit Symphonie
Beende die Teezeit mit Eda und Owl
Zerstöre alle Töpfe
Spiele alle Musiknoten
Hinter dem Vorhang
Öffne den Vorhang
Schaue dir das Foto in der Schublade an
Klang der Stille
Schalte das Radioband aus
Räume Edas Zimmer auf
Zerbreche alle Grabsteine
Lass den Wind wehen
Öffne alle Fenster
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