The Extended Edition adds support for Mac and Linux, and expands the game by a whole hour of new gameplay.
One large new chapter was added following an alternative story line of two little heli robots who, just like in the original game, get swallowed up by the strange underground structure that li...
The Extended Edition adds support for Mac and Linux, and expands the game by a whole hour of new gameplay.
One large new chapter was added following an alternative story line of two little heli robots who, just like in the original game, get swallowed up by the strange underground structure that lives beneath their cities. Pulled ever deeper underground, the two friends get separated. Can you save your friend? Or will he save you?
A strange twist of fate finds you being spirited away to a bizarre
underworld. You’ll explore a mysterious environment filled with bizarre
machine and organic configurations as you begin your journey for freedom.
As you fly freely through the odd and fantastic surroundings, you’ll use
your powerful tractor beam to overcome obstacles and interact with the
Unmechanical is a puzzle adventure that combines tricky puzzle solving,
alluring exploration, and an engrossing atmosphere. Set in a fantastic
world of flesh, rock and steel, your journey to freedom requires you to
solve a great variety of puzzling challenges, and while it’s easy to pick
up and play, later challenges may prove very difficult indeed.
Dozens of unique puzzles, challenging your logic, memory and knowledge of physics.
A hidden, dark, beautiful world to uncover secret by secret.
Excellent Unreal™ Engine 3 graphics and appealing art-style.
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility
Empfohlene Systemanforderungen:
Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility
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