Extended Soundtrack! Mp3 & FLAC versions.Ed Harrison and collaborator Elle Kharitou created the score for the lovingly hand-drawn point & click adventure game, Tsioque.
Ed contributed to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided soundtrack, ultimately providing the entire score for Deus Ex: Breach, which was r...
Ed Harrison and collaborator Elle Kharitou created the score for the lovingly hand-drawn point & click adventure game, Tsioque.
Ed contributed to the Deus Ex: Mankind Divided soundtrack, ultimately providing the entire score for Deus Ex: Breach, which was released as a stand-alone title.
In 2009, Ed released the Neotokyo OST, the soundtrack to the cyberpunk FPS Neotokyo, developed by Studio Radi-8.
Ed currently has multiple album releases in development which have emerged from the large body of unreleased work which has accumulated since the Neotokyo sessions.
Ed Harrison aka 0edit, composer, producer, audio engineer and sound designer, software developer and multidisciplinary artist.
Blissbox (Elle Kharitou) is a sonic scientist and sound mangler, carrying out aural experiments in a small Melbourne studio. Blissbox started making music in 2012 and established a name in the game industry by 2014. Creating lush soundscapes and heavy, erratic, electronic beats, the overall style varies widely; between ambient electronica, orchestral arrangements and maximalist, beat-based, glitched out chaos. Influenced by a massively diverse range of artists – from Bach to Radiohead, to Aphex Twin and a ridiculous number of artists in between; this emerges in the overall sound. Fascinated by the immersive, audio-visual experience; the future of sound to Blissbox is one of total sensory indulgence.
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